Hey all! I know you might be wondering WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED to all the blogging that used to go down here. Well, things have changed a whole hell of a lot for me recently and I have closed http://www.eightlife.co.uk and shut the doors on my nutritional practice to focus on a bigger picture.

The good news is that everything on the site, as well as this here blog, will be moving over to WWW.FAITHSHORNEY.COM in September because I’m starting an awesome new project.

In summer 2015 I will be taking on a momentous challenge to travel the 18,000 miles from London to Cape Town by human powered modes of transport (swim, bike, run, kayak, row etc) all in the name of humanity and sustainability. I will be attempting to break a few world records along the way and will be making an epic documentary about innovation and sustainability in Africa. In the mean time I will be taking on a bunch of smaller challenges and taking you all along for the ride, so please do come over, follow the journey and get involved.


So… keep your eyes peeled for awesome updates about what’s going down. You will be able to follow my journey from December when the website should go LIVE. I will be documenting my training right up until the day I leave and we’ll be running some pretty rad contests on the site too so don’t miss out! There will be heaps of nutrition and training information and you can track my movements next year and all the awesome programmes we’re putting together to get people healthier and more active; there will be daily blogs as well as a daily video log so you can all laugh at me or cry with me as I attempt to take on these crazy challenges. Hope it inspires, or least entertains.

If you want to get in touch in the mean time or you have questions about what I’m up to, just fill in this here form thingy and I will get back to you as soon as I can.


EIGHT LIFE – The Dream

It’s been a long road but somehow I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel, the last few weeks have been incredibly busy and I am finally beginning to look like I may need a holiday. In fact, scratch that, if I DON’T get a holiday some time in the very near future I may just crumble. Recently – as you may have noticed by the lack of posts – I have been otherwise engaged. I’ve been quietly working away at a project I feel very strongly about indeed; it’s the culmination of my passions into a unique company (my own business) which serves to provide the highest level of Nutritional, Fitness and Health solutions to it’s clientèle, act as an outlet for more of my weird and wonderful ramblings (a more fitness related blog) but which will also serve a higher purpose by providing a community space where people can come together, share ideas and information, create new and inspiring projects and work together to find ways of achieving their goals and help others.


Along my journey over the past 8 months I have met some incredible and inspiring people; people who are not only immensely knowledgeable and talented at what they do, but who genuinely want to help others through their work. In an industry filled with ‘pretenders’ and narcissists, I find it comforting to know that there are so many people who are real and who want to make a difference. It’s restored my faith in the human race and in the health and fitness industry; I want to do my bit to further this by bringing these people together and finding ways in which we can use our combined knowledge and strength to make positive changes. Not only to tackle issues in sports, health and fitness; but also to find ways to tackle bigger global issues which we feel passionately about. There is strength in numbers, have no doubt. There are isolated communities within the sporting world who are immensely strong – now imagine if they could come together, how strong would they be then?

‘I have a dream!’ – This is all going to sound so very cliche; yes, but it’s true. I have a dream, that one day bridges will be built to secure the future of the human race and to improve the outlook for the future of our planet; not for our sakes, but for the sake of our children. There are such a vast number of issues facing us every day, human issues and environmental issues, social, economic issues and global issues that are detrimental to the human race; to our health and well being and to the future of our planet. It amazes me how much time we spend worrying about ourselves when we could be helping others or helping make a change to our surroundings that will enable future generations to live better lives than we do. We forget that what we have is incredibly precious and that it is fragile; we see the world as a robust giant that will weather any storm, and we view our bodies the same way – as indestructible forces which can sustain all the abuse we inflict upon them. We take for granted the natural gifts we have been given; our bodies, our food, our lives and the natural beauty of the world around us. Perhaps we ought to do a little more to preserve these things so that we can enjoy them as they were made to be, and so that there is a chance of a future for our race and our planet?

Below you will see my ‘intention-wall’ or ‘manifesto’ which explains what we’re all about! Oh, and the website will be live soooon! eight life


Whole 30 Recap

I know I stopped documenting the progress of my Whole 30 half way through – I’ve been madly busy getting the new blog ready to launch in May and my training has taken a steep curve. Thankfully it’s all going well. In the mean time I figured I best do a quick recap and let you all know how it went. I am happy with the result but feel that with better planning and consistency I could achieve a lot more. I plan to do my second Whole 30 in May this year, hopefully with even better results!

My Whole 30 journey has been a long and tough road, I slipped up badly, I started again; had highs and lows, and for every bad day there was an equally awesome day. I finished, just. Firstly, I need to thank Dallas and Melissa Hartwig for their awesome book “it starts with food”, which was there to remind me of all the reasons I was doing this every time I felt like giving up. I had people along the way who doubted me, who thought I was insane, and almost every person in my life tried to get my to veer off course at every opportunity they had. I may have easily fallen down on any one of the bad days I had, but I didn’t; I’ve noticed as I get older that my resilience, determination and willpower have grown in leaps and bounds – I still have a way to go, but a former me would have given up in the first week of the Whole 30.

WHOLE30 finished

The benefits of the Whole 30 were numerous; my sugar cravings are completely gone; I no longer find baked goods (even Paleo ones) nearly as attractive as I once did and am therefore feeling lighter as a result of not eating them. I have found an altogether healthier love of food and am thoroughly enjoying the super clean diet, long may this continue! My energy levels, although up and down at first, stabilised to a consistent level I have never felt before, keeping me balanced and ready for anything. As a result, my training has improved markedly and I feel stronger and fitter than I have in quite some time.

I think everyone should try the whole 30 at least once. I honestly believe it will benefit your life no matter who you are. It takes a bit of courage and a lot of willpower, but the end result goes beyond simple ‘nutrition’ or ‘diet’ – it changes who you are and your relationship with food for the long run. This is not a quick fix, and it is not a ‘one size fits all’ solution. It’s personal, it’s exactly what YOU need as an individual and it is likely to benefit your health for the rest of your life. Please don’t take my word for it, go out and try it yourself – but read the book first, because if I haven’t managed to convince you, then this definitely will.


Making a Change – My Top 5 Motivational Strategies

Motivation is the key; its the deciding factor in whether or not you’re going to make it out the door at 6 in the morning when it’s still dark and bitterly cold outside, whether you make it to the gym in the evening after a long day at work or find the strength to keep going when you hit the proverbial ‘wall’; its the only thing that’s going to help you face the music, get up, put your feet on the ground and keep moving when everything in you wants to give up.

Motivation. Lets talk about motivation for a moment.  What does it mean to you? Are you motivated? How can you improve your motivation?

I’ve come up with a few ideas about how to help keep myself motivated recently, some have worked, others haven’t, but I’m hoping that one, if not more of these, might apply to you. Or if not, at least it will give you something to think about and hopefully spur you on to find your own motivation. One piece of advice I can give you – Don’t Give Up, no matter how hard that road you’re on seems, don’t give up, because the pain you’re going through now and the battle you’re fighting in your mind will all be worth it in the end.

The race is long, and in the end it’s only with yourself.

Motivational Strategy #1 – Set Goals and then Break Them Down

One thing I’ve noticed a lot of us get wrong is not that we don’t set goals, but that we set unrealistic goals or unrealistic time frames. Not only that, but we set such enormous goals that we forget to focus on the immediate future and then become impatient and are disappointed with the length of time it takes to see improvement.

Take the time to break your goals down into smaller segments which are achievable in the short term; each time you reach one of these smaller goals you will feel a sense of achievement and it will encourage you to keep going. Reward yourself every time you reach one of these smaller goals!

Don’t be too hard on yourself – nobody is perfect, the only thing you can do is turn up and do your best; because at the end of the day if you turn up, you’re already half way there!

Motivational Strategy #2 – Have Fun

Don’t take yourself too seriously! Whatever you love doing, whatever you enjoy most in life be it music or friends or setting yourself challenges, use it to your advantage by integrating it into a part of your training. Train with someone you can have a laugh with (and learn to laugh at yourself). Listen to music if it helps you or train in the park if you prefer to be outdoors.

Maybe even take on some extra activities, try something new that you think looks like fun like a team sport or ice skating, horse riding, tennis or swimming – it will help break up your usual training and make it feel less monotonous, and you will still be getting active and doing something good for yourself.


Motivational Strategy #3 – Go It Alone

Sometimes training can give you some much needed alone time if work and home life is a bit hectic and you just need some breathing space. It’s the one thing I love about running, there’s just me and the road, I don’t have anyone to answer to and I don’t have to worry about what anyone else is doing.

Take a time-out from the stresses of life, turn your phone off, leave it at home and just get out there and do something that gets the blood pumping. It doesn’t matter if you’re the kind of person that wants to go take your frustrations out on a punching bag, or chill out in a gentle yoga session. Find something to restore the calm in your life and give yourself time alone.

Motivational Strategy #4 – Get Social

If you get enough alone time already, find a gym buddy or join a club; when you have other people counting on you to be somewhere at a certain time, you’re less likely to skip it. There are more and more amazing fitness groups, running clubs, healthy social clubs and activities opening up all over the place these days that you would be hard pressed NOT to be able to find one near you!

Motivational Strategy #5 – Change the Way You Think

Easier said than done, I know. Think of it this way; if you change your attitude towards fitness, you will change your actions! This is about making a lifestyle change, and that takes time; exercise should never be a chore – yes, it’s going to be damn hard some days, but if you keep reminding yourself of all the reasons why you started this in the first place and of all the goals you have yet to reach, slowly you will begin to change the way you see things.

Whatever mental triggers work for you, use them. If you need to have post-it notes and pictures on every wall in your house with motivational cues then do that! If you need reminders set on your phone, then set them. Go out and learn, take in as much information as you can about the things that interest you and then use the information to your advantage. Surround yourself with positive people and positive thoughts and remember, you’ve already started, you took the first step; hell, you may have taken several steps, hundreds even. So why stop now? Don’t ever give up; remember, it will be worth it in the end.


Whole 30 Day 3

Forgot, or perhaps decided not to, eat breakfast on Tuesday morning – still managed the green smoothie though, which was better than usual; mostly down to the slushy ice from all the frozen melon I now seem to be loading my smoothies with. Just need to remember to drink the damn thing before it melts and yet still drink slowly enough to avoid the inevitable brain freeze one often experiences when downing iced green drinks. Obviously. I then almost certainly forgot to eat lunch, having been reminded around 3pm by my growling stomach – the noise it was making was something akin to the noise made by young teenage lions when they are hungry, not quiet by any stretch of the imagination. Had I been in public I may have sought the nearest table to hide beneath out of sheer embarrassment. Ok, enough about my stomach… Lunch consisted of a tin of sardines, an avocado and 2 eggs – can someone say PROTEIN.


Dinner was a far better prepared affair; Chicken and stir fried fresh veg with lemon and chilli. The veg in question consisted of broccoli, mushroom, asparagus, beans, spinach and red peppers. Thoroughly enjoyable meal and honestly the best, and certainly the only complete meal of my day. Definitely much needed after the killer Real Ryder spin session at the gym – slowly getting used to these crazy bikes and loving them more and more. I don’t know if it was the morning run or the evening bike ride but I have done some damage to my left foot; very frustrating when one is training for triathlons and half marathons and such nonsense. I’m going to use it as an excuse to buy new running shoes… there is a silver lining to every bad situation.

I’ve realised lately that while I love writing down all that I’m eating, you lot might find this hideously boring – so just so you all know, from now on I’m going tot try and intersperse the Whole 30 blogs with some more relevant and interesting blogs about more relevant and interesting stuff; sounds riveting doesn’t it? This is really just me being overindulgent in my own progress, but it does help me monitor my progress (she says having failed once already). Lets just hope I can stick to it this time.

Whole 30 – Day 1&2 (AGAIN)

Following my failure to comply, or even try; I must now begin anew. Day 10… or as it is now called, day 1 – take 2. I was up at sparrow fart (roughly 3am) writing nonsense, responding to a backlog of emails and feeling rather pleased with myself and all that I had accomplished by sunrise at 6am. I ran a 10.9km run and arrived back feeling hangover free and full of energy; having had only 4 hours sleep, this surprised even me. Nevertheless, Sunday went smoothly. My Sunday brunch of Scrambled Eggs, Bacon, Spinach, Avocado and Tomato was enough to make me realise that I should start appreciating the things I CAN have, and stop worrying about the list of foods I cannot have during the Whole 30. This realisation was compounded by the following meal that day of Roast Chicken accompanied by a Roast Vegetable spread of carrot, sweet potato, parsnip and broccoli. A toast then, to the finer foods in life; particularly that old classic, the simple Sunday roast.


Day 2: I have never been a big fan of Mondays, and I don’t think I’m alone in saying that. Best cure for a Monday morning is a GREEN SMOOTHIE 🙂 and then some healthy eats; Ham, Egg, Mushroom and Avocado which I made very short work of. Lunch was a bit of a random prawn and veg salad, nothing too exciting but enough to lift the spirits and keep me going.

Monday night was pretty spectacular as far as Mondays go, I set off early from work to Kings Cross for a Guardian Masterclass with the one and only Jay Rayner – food critic extraordinaire and sometimes TV personality who ponces about on Masterchef occasionally. Funny guy, but more than that, the man is eloquent and engaging; he has a superior command of the English language which can only come from so many years of writing. His writing, as we know, is brilliant; I just never thought of him as a speaker. I felt the need to share this simply because I was somewhat taken aback by just how wonderful he is to listen to. The man is an excellent teacher and has the ability to make you feel smarter simply by being in the same room; the mark of a truly intelligent person. I will say this; perhaps I am not destined to be a journalist or reporter, but I did learn a lot and for that I am truly grateful. I take heed of the wise words and will be using the lessons learnt to my advantage in future writing endeavours.

I treated myself to braised beef cheeks and roasted root vegetables at Corrigans of Mayfair for dinner and then promptly went home to sleep. No, I didnt take any pictures of my dinner, and no, I’m not going to bore you with the details. It was fabulous, it always is at Corrigans.

#Whole30 Day 5&6

So far all is well in my #Whole30 world. Training is being amped up a little and the healthy eating is making me feel more energetic. I am hungrier and I’m eating more often, which can’t be a bad thing since I love food; I just hope I don’t turn into some food crazed monster on a permanent mission for protein! I am enjoying experimenting with my cooking and keeping everything as clean and lean as possible; it is not as challenging as I first thought and I’m enjoying the light freshness of everything. So Day 5 morning started with 1km run, 10 hill sprints, and a short WOD (10 press ups, 15 tricep dips, 20 leg raises, 30 squats, 40 lunges and 50 calf raises) plus a short 40 lengths of the pool! Then came breakfast, starting with the Green Slushy – my new Green Smoothie recipe which has made me EXTREMELY happy, and because it is making me so happy, I thought it was only fair that I share it with you all!

Green Slushy

  • 1/2 fresh Mango cut into cubes
  • 1 cup frozen yellow sweet melon, cubed
  • 1 cup frozen watermelon, cubed
  • 2 cups of Kale
  • 1 Avocado
  • 6 basil leaves
  • 1 to 2 cups of water, as desired (add 1/2 cup at a time)

Blend ALL the above ingredients until smooth and add the water slowly until it’s the consistency you want! For easy frozen fruit, freeze cubes in 1 cup portions for easy use.


Following this I decided to indulge in a proper breakfast frittata of courgette, bell peppers, mushroom and smoked haddock. Lunch was a bit of a rushed job and comprised only 1 smoked haddock fillet and 1 avocado, while pears and fresh pineapple snack throughout the afternoon kept me going till dinner. Dinner was a beef fillet served with a few stir fried veg – mushroom, courgette, peppers, leeks, tender stem broccoli and coriander with a dash of lime juice. Fresh whole foods and deliciousness; things that will make any tummy happy.

Day 6 was perhaps a little unimaginative on my part – more of the same. Green Smoothie: Pineapple, watermelon, pear, kale, cucumber and coconut water. Breakfast was Bacon, Haddock, Avo and Scrambled Eggs. Lunch was a super quick warm salmon salad; celery, spinach, green beans and artichoke hearts topped with a quick grilled salmon fillet. Simple perhaps, but still utterly delicious and completely satisfying. Dinner was basically salmon, lots and lots and lots of raw salmon. It was like an extreme sashimi eatathon; I think I devoured 4 portions (of 6 pieces each) of Salmon sashimi, followed by a seaweed salad and some steamed asapargus with grilled prawns in lemon juice. Trying to ask the chef in a Japanese restaurant to ‘hold the soy sauce’ was tricky, but in the end I definitely succeeded in having the cleanest Japanese meal of my life, and it felt pretty good too!


I’ve never experienced pure, unadulterated hunger on such a regular basis as I am at the moment; I can really feel the hunger pangs when I’ve been without a solid meal for a few hours, this is in part due to my new training regime but also largely down to the lack of heavy processed food and simple carbohydrates. My body is able to work through the protein and veg very quickly and when it’s all gone my body lets me know, in a very big way! I love the fact that I can eat more without having to feel guilty about it. This is the single biggest change which I am most happy about; long may the #Whole30 Hunger continue!


Keeping it Healthy at Christmas

No, I’m not joking, I know it sounds completely absurd to even try to contemplate the idea of having a healthy Christmas, but just imagine it for a moment. If you managed a healthy Christmas holiday, would facing January be easier? I don’t know about you, but for me Christmas has always been the time of year I eat and drink more in a single month than I do across all other months of the year put together. By the time January rolls around I feel lethargic and heavy and the thought of exercise seems a million miles away, not least because January is by far the coldest month of the year and being outside in my running shoes sounds particularly painful in sub-zero temperatures. If I could be healthier at Christmas then perhaps and I could see my way through a super healthy January without the usual pain and discomfort? I suppose I’ll never know unless I try. I’ve decided that instead of setting over-optimistic goals, I will simply make time for exercise at least 3 times a week over December and I will try to limit the Christmas meals and drinking to weekends and special nights out – of which I’m hoping there won’t be too many. I realise it is the silly season and one should therefore plan for the unplanned events and super silly situations one invariable finds oneself in during this particularly silly and over indulgent time of year. One? I’m using silly language and making very little sense…. and so it begins.

Healthy Xmas

I will be travelling a bit over the Christmas period which often makes this more difficult, so I have decided I will make it my mission to try some new and interesting classes at gyms in both New York and London in order to avoid getting stuck in holiday mode. The problem I have at Christmas is that it’s so bloody cold; I love running and I love exercising when I can be outside but I have always had a passionate dislike of gyms and gym goers (sorry to lump you all together but there are some real ego-maniacs in most gyms), but when it gets cold I simply DO NOT want to be outside in the pissing rain trying to keep warm by running harder and faster and being completely exhausted and miserable by the end of the run. It simply destroys my love of running. I was not built for cold climates but it seems I have made the decision to live in one and although London is a wonderful city, it does not make up for the fact that the winters here are quite inhospitable for Africans like me who enjoy the outdoors. I digress; my point is that there seems to be a movement occurring in London at the moment; all of sudden there are lots and lots of interesting and fun classes taking place in all sorts of nondescript locations and non-gym type establishments across the city in a battle to fight the mundane, and positively outdated, views of what exercise and going to the gym are all about. I, for one, absolutely LOVE the fact that this movement is taking place, and I will be making it my mission to try as many of them as humanly possible throughout 2013 in support of all the awesome people making this happen. For now I will just pick a few to get me going over Christmas. Oh, and if you are also looking for new and interesting classes in London, just check out FitnessFreak.com – they have hundreds of listings in all locations of London that cover all possible fitness personalities.